UFCW 401 joins 30,000-plus at Edmonton PRIDE parade
Edmonton – June 19, 2013 – UFCW Canada Local 401 activists recently took pride in Edmonton by standing with more than 30,000 community members in the city’s most successful PRIDE parade ever.
Edmonton – June 19, 2013 – UFCW Canada Local 401 activists recently took pride in Edmonton by standing with more than 30,000 community members in the city’s most successful PRIDE parade ever.
Toronto – June 17, 2013 - Migrant agriculture workers, UFCW Canada and AWA activists, and community allies gathered to celebrate the Father's Day weekend, and to also send a message to the Harper government that Migrant Workers Are Parents Too.
Migrant workers are parents too. Each season, migrant agricultural workers leave their families for as long as three years to do hard and gruelling work to put food on the tables of Canadian families.
Toronto – June 12, 2013 – Every year Pride is celebrated across the country as one of Canada’s biggest and most colourful annual festivals. It features exciting street fairs, marches, parades, picnics, and concerts. Each event provides an inclusive experience, which is why Pride is a popular attraction among Canadians and thousands of visitors from around the world.
Virgil, Ont. – June 7, 2013 - Hundreds of migrant agriculture workers and guests gathered at the Virgil Agriculture Workers Alliance (AWA) workers' support centre June 2, for the centre's Annual Opening Barbeque and Soccer Tournament. Each spring, the yearly gathering hosted by the AWA and UFCW Canada welcomes back migrant farm workers employed in southern Ontario's Niagara region.
Toronto – June 5, 2013 – Activists are gearing up for UFCW Canada's Walk in Support of First Nations Children on June 11th, the National Day of Reconciliationwith Aboriginal communities. The event is part of the Our Dreams Matter Too Campaign, an initiative that is being led by UFCW Canada's national partner, the First Nations Child and Family Caring Society of Canada (FNCFCS).
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United Food and Commercial Workers Union
Canada's private sector union