Tax havens fatten the rich while austerity ravages the rest
G20 leaders pledged to shut down tax havens at their crisis summit in April 2009, but a new study shows them flourishing as never before.
G20 leaders pledged to shut down tax havens at their crisis summit in April 2009, but a new study shows them flourishing as never before.
Members and staff of UFCW Canada Locals 401 and 1118 joined NDP members and political activists from across Alberta to welcome Federal NDP Leader Thomas Mulcair to Calgary on July 12th. Over 200 people came out to meet the new leader at a Calgary Stampede barbeque hosted by Alberta NDP MLA David Eggen, who represents the provincial riding of Edmonton-Calder.
With the Harper government’s attack on workers and several provincial premiers pushing for labour law reform that would take away the rights of workers and weaken their unions, it’s ironic that the fastest growing province in terms of prosperity is a province that respects the important role of unions in building an equitable society.
Thousands of UFCW members at the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board (PLCB) will keep their jobs after an attempt to privatize the state-owned liquor stores failed to garner enough support in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives.
Since first being elected in 2006, Stephen Harper's Conservative Government has portrayed itself as being fiscally prudent, but the Harperites are actually incompetent economic managers.
In the last few months Brad Wall's Saskatchewan Party government has included right-to work legislation as part of its labour law reforms, and Alberta’s Wildrose Party campaigned on a right-to-work platform in the province's April 2012 election. Now Ontario Progressive Conservative leader Tim Hudak has released a white paper calling for right-to-work laws in Ontario. Sadly right-to-work proposals are no longer restricted to the right-wing Tea Party movement in the U.S. – they have become part of the mainstream political discourse in Canada.
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United Food and Commercial Workers Union
Canada's private sector union