By The Numbers: Workplace deaths and injuries in Ontario
The Ontario Health and Safety Act came in effect in 1979 and since then the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) has collected data on occupational diseases.
The Ontario Health and Safety Act came in effect in 1979 and since then the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) has collected data on occupational diseases.
The members of UFCW Canada Local 12R24 are once again partnering with their employer The Beer Store to run “Returns for Leukemia” – the highly successful bottle drive dedicated to raising research funds for leukemia, lymphoma and other blood related cancers.
The groundbreaking communications efforts of UFCW Canada local unions and the National Office were recently recognized by the Canadian Association of Labour Media (CALM), which presented the union with 7 awards at the 2011 CALM Conference held May 5 to 7 in Burnaby, B.C.
On May 3rd, 2011, the Council of Agencies Serving South Asians (CASSA) marked its 4th May Day and South Asian Heritage Celebration as part of the Asian Heritage Month.
Hundreds of Mexican migrant farm workers across southern Manitoba are facing a huge hit in crucial family income and possibly being repatriated in the wake of floods and an emergency breach of a dyke near farms in the Portage la Prairie area.
UFCW Canada was a leading force at the 2011 Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) Convention where over 2,500 trade unionists – including 150 UFCW Canada activists – came from across the country to gather in Vancouver, B.C. for the congress’s triennial conference.
At its recent meeting in Winnipeg, the National Council Women's Advisory Committee (NCWAC) spent two intensive days polishing many ongoing initiatives, and setting the stage for new ones.
A leaked document has been deposited with the British Columbia Labour Board to back up charges that the Mexican consulate in Vancouver allegedly blacklisted Mexican migrant workers who were union sympathizers from returning to Canada this season to the two Lower Mainland farms where those workers had successfully unionized.
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United Food and Commercial Workers Union
Canada's private sector union