Directions Newsletter
Local 175 members achieve new contract at Trent Valley Lodge
Trenton, Ont. – July 3, 2014 – UFCW Canada Local 175 members working at the Trent Valley Lodge Nursing Home in Trenton, Ontario recently ratified a new three-year collective agreement. The 100+ health care workers achieved a number of gains in their new contract, including the merging of part-time and full-time contracts into a single collective agreement. This change will allow members to move from part-time to full-time jobs – and vice versa – without a loss of seniority.
As part of the new contract, full-time workers will receive a lump sum payment of $400, while part-time employees will receive $200. Casual workers will receive a lump sum payment equivalent to 15 cents per hour for hours worked since the expiry of the previous contract. Wages will increase by 1.25 percent in August 2014, and by 1.5 percent in August 2015.
The sunset clause has been reduced to 12 months and language has been added to provide for an Alternate Steward. Members of the Trent Valley Lodge Negotiating Committee included Chris Kemp, June Morrison, Danette Pruden, and Local 175 Union Representative Paul Hardwick.