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UFCW Canada Local 175 members achieve first contract at Flyer Force
Mississauga, Ont. – May 16, 2014 – UFCW Canada Local 175 members working at Ottawa Flyer Force have achieved a first collective agreement. The company is the leading flyer distribution firm in Ottawa. The new members at Flyer Force collate, package and deliver flyers and advertising materials in the greater Ottawa area.
The members at Flyer Force won their certification vote last year. They have now secured a three-year contract including a lump sum payment based on 1.5% of earnings in the previous 12 months, and subsequent increases totalling 45 cents per hour over the term of the contract. Members who work the cage position will now receive a premium of 25 cents per hour for time worked at that position. Overtime will be paid after 8 hours per day, or 40 hours per week, instead of the current 44 hours. Additional contract language ensures employees receive a 15 minute paid rest period per half-shift. Members also benefit from the creation of 18 new full-time positions.
Effective May 1, 2015, the company will also contribute 40 cents per hour, for all hours paid and worked by employees with two years of service or more, to the UFCW Locals 175 & 633 Ontario Dental Benefit Trust Fund. Members who do not qualify for the dental plan as of that date will receive a lump sum calculated at 15 cents per hour worked up to the point at which they qualify for the dental plan. The employer will now pay 100% of the Life Insurance premium, previously paid at 50%, for employees that qualify.
Improved vacation language provides workers who have five years of service, with three weeks vacation entitlement paid at 6%. Members with three weeks vacation entitlement may break one of those weeks into single days. In addition, employees may request that their day-in-lieu and vacation entitlement be paid at any time, and full-time workers will receive full shift pay for any Statutory Holiday.
Other improvements include a grievance procedure, minimum paid call-in of four hours, and language preventing managers from performing bargaining unit work. Language also establishes a sunset clause, time limits, steward representation, seniority rights for vacation and job postings, layoff recall and improved bereavement entitlement.
To find out more about UFCW Canada Local 175 and their leading efforts, please visit