Directions Newsletter
Transcare workers join union, UFCW 175
Mississauga, Ont. – April 30, 2014 – Congratulations to some of the newest members of UFCW Canada Local 175 who work at Transcare. These workers fought to bring justice and dignity to their workplace throughout their organizing drive, which lasted a few months.
The health care workers at Transcare provide community and home care services in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) including some day programs and services such as Meals on Wheels.
“The Transcare workers have been disrespected on the job continuously and lacked any sort of job security,” explained organizer Mike Mattioli. “They were made to feel that if they had any concerns, they could walk out the door and find a new job.”
“These compassionate people do so much to bring independence and dignity to our loved ones when they need it,” explained President Haggerty. “They now stand united to demand dignity and respect from their employer. And we’re going to help them achieve that.”
The approximately 170 new members join the ever-growing HOPE (Health, Office & Professional Employees) sector of UFCW Canada Local 175.
“The successful vote marks the 100th victory for non-union workers who have achieved Union representation with UFCW Canada Local 175 since 2010, when our amazing Organizing Team was formed,” added President Haggerty. “I am so proud of all of the hard work our whole organization puts in every day to help bring the benefits of a Union to workers across the province.”