Directions Newsletter
Local 175 members achieve first contract at Wallack’s Art Shop
Ottawa – January 7, 2014 – UFCW Canada Local 175 members at Wallack’s Art Shop & Gallery in Ottawa have achieved a first collective agreement. The new members ratified the one-year deal in December. The contract, in addition to standard collective agreement language, also includes wage and other improvements.
Workers paid less than $13 per hour will receive an increase of 2%. Those making more than $13 per hour receive a lump sum payment equivalent to 2% of their total earnings in the previous 12 months. Entry level rates for all classifications increase by 55 cents per hour.
Overtime will now be paid for hours worked during any of an employee’s regular days off, and all hours worked beyond 40 hours per week. Previously, workers had to work more than 88 hours per two-week period to receive overtime pay. In addition, employees can now bank overtime hours to be used to reduce any loss of earnings during a short week, layoff or other reason. Contract language ensures employees receive a 15 minute paid rest period per half-shift.
Employees are now paid eight hours pay for any Statutory Holiday and an additional float day has been added. Those workers with five years of service receive three week’s vacation entitlement paid at 6%. Those on layoff or leave of absence may request their vacation, floater days, or days in lieu of holidays, be paid at any time.
Improved language provides all employees with a safety shoe allowance of $100. Other improvements include a grievance procedure, minimum call-in of five hours pay, and restrictions on contracting out and managers performing bargaining unit work. Language also establishes a sunset clause, time limits, steward representation, seniority rights for vacation and job postings, layoff recall and improved bereavement entitlement.
To find out more about Local 175 and their leading efforts, please visit