Directions Newsletter
Doral Holdings Security Guards join the union, UFCW 333
Welland, Ont. – November 14, 2013 – Security guards at Doral Holdings' Seaway Mall in Welland, Ontario are the newest members of UFCW Canada Local 333 following a successful unionization campaign this fall.
The Ontario Labour Relations Board recently certified the union as the workers' official bargaining agent and a collective agreement has since been negotiated and ratified.
The newly welcomed Local 333 members perform security and patrol duties at Seaway Mall, a 120-store shopping centre located in the heart of the Niagara Peninsula. They joined the union to obtain financial security and have a say over their working conditions.
"We are excited to welcome this group of workers to Canada's best union," says Local 333 President Richard McNaughton. "The Doral employees have chosen to stick up for their rights and improve their workplace standards by joining the union, and I'm happy to report that Local 333 has negotiated a fair and competitive first contract for these members," Brother McNaughton adds.
To find out more about UFCW Canada Local 333, visit their website at You can also connect with the Local Union on Facebook by clicking here.