Run away, run away: Harper prorogues Parliament
Ottawa – August 23, 2013 – There is a scene in the satirical movie Monty Python and the Holy Grail featuring the so-called brave knight Sir Robin who said "When danger reared its ugly head, He bravely turned his tail and fled".
With his latest announcement to once again prorogue Parliament, Conservative Boss Harper is looking more and more like Sir Robin by running away as his favoured form of defense.
In 2008, when Harper faced the possibility of a confidence vote for his mishandling of the economy and the possibility of an NDP/Liberal coalition, Harper prorogued Parliament and ran away.
In 2010, when feeling the heat and a possible contempt motion over Canada’s treatment of prisoners in Afghanistan, Harper again prorogued Parliament and ran away.
Now in 2013, with his government down in the polls and new information coming out almost daily on the scandal in the Senate, Harper has announced that once again he will be proroguing Parliament until at least after Thanksgiving.
Whenever the danger of being held to account rears its rightful head, Bossman Harper quickly turns and runs away; locking the doors of Parliament behind him.