Retail organizing breakthrough: Sirens employees join the union
Brampton, Ont. – July 19, 2013 – A group of retail employees at the Sirens clothing store in Brampton, Ontario made history this week by becoming the first group of Sirens employees in Canada to join the union by voting “Yes!” to UFCW Canada Local 175.
Reasons for joining the union included a lack of hours, unfair scheduling, bullying and general lack of respect from management.
Among the employees at the store, a young and dynamic group of women emerged to support co-workers in standing up to management intimidation. The company’s law firm used numerous tactics in an attempt to stop the organizing campaign, including paying police to stand in the store during the days leading up to the certification vote.
“Congratulations to our new members at Sirens in Brampton,” says UFCW Canada National President Wayne Hanley, “They are a strong example to all retail employees that a better workplace is possible when we stand together united.”
“We are so proud of these young workers. They have demonstrated immense courage and determination in pursuing their goal of unionization,” adds Brother Hanley. “Every time management has interfered, the workers stood up to them and put them on notice to respect their rights to organize.”
The workers at Sirens join UFCW Canada members working in many other retail chains, including H&M and The Bay. UFCW Canada is the country’s leading union for retail workers, with more than 250,000 members across Canada.