Directions Newsletter
UFCW campaign wins Senate support against Harper’s Bill C-377
Ottawa – June 28, 2013 – UFCW Canada members, friends and supporters once again led the way in mobilizing communities for positive, political change by sending hundreds of letters to Canadian Senators: calling on them to reject Stephen Harper’s attack on workers and their unions – Bill C-377.
And once again the political action efforts of UFCW Canada members have made a big difference.
On Wednesday, June 26, Senators rallied against Harper by voting to make significant amendment to Bill C-377. The dissenting group of Senators included 12 Conservatives – who all revolted against Government Boss Harper by strongly supporting the bill’s amendments. And another six Conservative Senators ignored Harper’s whip by abstaining their vote from the bill altogether.
While UFCW Canada still believes that Bill C-377 should be rejected because it violates the privacy of union members and their families – and it’s a complete waste of your hard-earned tax dollars – the Senate’s amendments delay any passing of the bill until at least the fall.
UFCW Canada activists can be proud of the important role they’ve played in slowing down this reckless bill, but working families and their communities have only won a small battle against Harper’s draconian attack on workers and their unions.
To stop Bill C-377 for good – along with Harper’s Ultra-Conservative agenda for Canada – UFCW members, friends and supporters must act together and push harder than ever before. We must continue building opposition to the bill between now and the fall, when the House of Commons resumes.
Until then: keep sharing the importance of this issue with your networks, keep encouraging coworkers, neighbours and friends to send letters, and keep visiting for important Bill C-377 updates.