Directions Newsletter
S.A.M.E. activists bring migrant awareness to thousands of students
Toronto – June 21, 2013 – In many regards the 2012-2013 school year was an historic milestone for S.A.M.E. (Students Against Migrant Exploitation). Among the many accomplishments for the organization, now in its fourth year, was the total number of students that were engaged through presentations and online campaigns: more than 7,500 students altogether! This incredible feat was reached over the year through a series of presentations and events held at over 50 different schools, campuses, and communities across Ontario.
June marked the end of the school year presentations for S.A.M.E, whose activists visited Our Lady of Fatima Catholic School in Grimsby, Ontario where they had the opportunity to speak to hundreds of interested students at the school’s annual Multicultural Week assembly.
As has become customary, the S.A.M.E seminar was accompanied by the musical talents of Benny Esguerra. Collectively, the presentation outlined the importance of diversity, multiculturalism, and the importance of acknowledging, respecting and celebrating the thousands of migrant workers that come to Canada yearly to harvest the food we eat.
While the in-school presentations have come to an end for this school year, S.A.M.E is already working hard to make next year bigger and better. “The fact that the S.A.M.E. in-school component has come to end until next fall is bitter-sweet. It is always exciting and inspiring speaking to students, but for now it will be just as rewarding working with this year’s volunteers who have signed up in record numbers,” explains Pablo Godoy, the coordinator for S.A.M.E.
If you or anyone you know is interested in volunteering with S.A.M.E this year, please contact [email protected].