Wiikinahmahgeh Corner with UFCW Resident Elder Eric Flett

Toronto – December 10, 2024 – For Human Rights Day 2024, UFCW is sharing our last Wiikinahmahgeh Corner session for the year. UFCW Canada’s Resident Elder, Eric Flett, shares his wisdom in the video below.
“The way I was taught from for our culture, everybody is welcome into our culture,” says Elder Flett. “Ask me whatever you want to ask me. But you won't insult me. You won't appropriate my culture. […] I just try and deal with people in a good way and help them understand. So don't be shy. But I get questions like, is it okay to smudge? Yes, anybody can smudge. […] So if you want to, if you feel nervous, scared, shy, you don't want to insult anybody, it's okay. The first thing you can do is always come with tobacco and ask, ask in a good way, because sometimes my voice can not be loud enough.”
Wiikinahmahgeh means Education in Anishnawbe. UFCW indigenous members are sharing their voices and stories in this ongoing series. You can watch the full series on UFCW Canada’s YouTube Channel here.