Retirement home workers join union – UFCW 175 & 633

Toronto – June 24, 2024 – Workers at Delmanor Retirement Home in Toronto have voted to join UFCW Locals 175 & 633, becoming the newest members of the Healthcare Office and Professional Employees (HOPE) sector at the Union.
In healthcare, the combination of long hours, low pay, emotional strain, and lack of support can contribute to high levels of burnout and staff turnover that leave workers scared, frustrated, and looking for a long-term solution. The workers of Delmanor Retirement Home took action and joined UFCW 175.
“These workers have faced many challenges and we know that they deserve better. They deserve more and they deserve a voice to speak up with them,” said Kelly Tosato, President of UFCW Local 175. “At UFCW Locals 175 & 633, we are proud to be that voice for these workers. We have a dedicated regional healthcare sector that goes above and beyond for our members in the field.”
With the support of their union, these members can now begin the collective bargaining process to work toward increasing wages and benefits, securing comprehensive training and support, and prioritizing the well-being of both workers and residents.
The 80 new members of UFCW Locals 175 & 633 at Delmanor Retirement Home work as Registered Practical Nurses (RPNs), Personal Support Workers (PWSs), Kitchen and Dining Aides, and more.
Read more about the organizing victory at Delmanor Retirement Home.
UFCW Canada Locals 175 & 633 represent more than 70,000 hard-working Ontarians in almost every sector of the economy. To learn more about the outstanding work of UFCW 175 & 633, visit their website.
How can I join the union?
Are you a non-unionized worker who would like to enjoy the benefits of a UFCW Canada union contract? Do you and your co-workers want to gain the union advantage at work? Join Canada’s best union, UFCW Canada, to make your workplace better today. Click here to join now