By the Numbers: Canadian Tomatoes
Toronto – July 26, 2023 – Did you know that the tomato is the second most-produced vegetable or fruit in Canada? Over 500,000 tonnes of fresh tomatoes were produced in 2022.
Here’s some more key numbers about 2022 tomato production in Canada:
- 528,777 tonnes – In 2022, there were 528,277 tonnes in marketed production of fresh tomatoes in Canada, topping apples, fresh carrots, and fresh dry onions. Only potatoes beat the tomatoes at 5.6 million tonnes!
- 97.6% – the amount of tomatoes grown in Ontario, predominantly in Essex County.
- 294 million – the amount of kilograms of fresh tomatoes produced in Canada’s greenhouses in 2022
- $2.9 billion – the amount of revenue reported by the fruit and vegetable canning, pickling and drying industry
- $611.7 million – the value of the 191 million kilograms of fresh or chilled tomatoes Canada exported in 2022
Products the tomato industry produces include ketchup, tomato paste, canned soups and juices, and freeze-dried fruits and vegetables.
This success of the tomato industry in Canada is built on the labour of migrant agricultural workers. For decades, UFCW Canada has been an advocate for agricultural workers’ rights as successive governments have failed to adequately protect these workers from mistreatment and abuse when they come to Canada. Read UFCW’s latest report on The Status of Migrant Agricultural Workers in Canada here, and write to your elected officials urging reform here.