By the Numbers: Facts about Racial Discrimination in Canada
Ottawa – March 17, 2013
$6,947.00 – The difference between what the average racialized Canadian earns in a year vs. the average non-racialized Canadian. Racialized Canadians earn an average of $30,385 per year compared to $37,332 for other Canadians, or 81 cents to the dollar (Source).
48.7 percent – Racialized immigrant women earn only 48.7 per cent of the employment income that non-racialized immigrant men earn, while racialized women as a whole earn 56.5 per cent ($25,204) of what white men earn ($45,327) (Source).
18 percent of racialized men report experiencing discrimination or unfair treatment when dealing with the police or courts; compared to 5.8 percent of non-racialized men in Canada (Source).
One in three Canadians believe that Aboriginal Peoples and Muslims are the frequent targets of discrimination (Source).
1,401 is the total number of hate crimes that took place in Canada in 2010. There were three primary motivations for police-reported hate crime: race or ethnicity was the most common, accounting for over one-half (52%) of all incidents. Another 29% of hate crimes were motivated by religion and 16% were motivated by sexual orientation (Source).
28 percent also said South Asians often suffer from intolerance, while 20 percent said Blacks regularly encounter it (Source).
Blacks were the most commonly targeted racial group in 2010. With 271 incidents, hate crimes against Blacks accounted for about 4 in 10 racially motivated incidents (Source).
55 percent of Canadians are satisfied that we have overcome racial discrimination (Source).
One-third of the population will be members of a visible minority by 2031, with whites becoming the minority in Toronto and Vancouver over the next few decades (Source).
Black males living in Toronto are three times more likely to be carded by police, no matter where they live (Source).