Directions Newsletter
Beverage members at PepsiCo Canada build a better life – UFCW 175 & 633
London, Ont. – October 29, 2020 – Beverage members working at the PepsiCo Canada facility in London, Ontario have ratified a new collective agreement that provides wage increases, lump sum payments, and more.
As part of the new three-year contract, members of the Union Negotiating Committee achieved an improved combined allowance for boots and uniforms. The combined allowance will enable members at PepsiCo London to choose how they spend their money on the designated items. This allowance will provide warehouse workers with $550 per contract year and outside workers with $600 per year.
New posting language contained in the agreement ensures every vacancy will be posted and filled in accordance with the collective agreement. As well, in the first year, all bargaining unit employees at PepsiCo London will receive a lump sum of $1,000. Employees will see a rate increase of 50 cents per hour in the second year of the agreement, and another increase of 55 cents per hour in year three. In addition, the shift premium will improve by 15 cents per hour.
Members will benefit from an improvement to the Pension Multiplier, which increases to $65 per month as of March 1, 2020, and will apply to service dating back to March 1, 2019. Effective January 1, 2021, the company will also pay 100 percent of the premium for the 35 percent Core Long-Term Disability (LTD) benefit.
Other monetary improvements include $30 more per year for employees’ tool allowance. Finally, the employer will contribute $750 per year toward the UFCW Local 175 Training & Education Fund.
The collective agreement covers 55 bargaining unit employees at the PepsiCo facility in London, and was negotiated by members Paul Lekx, Mike Mackenzie, Ian Scanlan, and Mark Sop, and UFCW 175 Union Representative Lee Johnson-Koehn. To read more about the new union contract at PepsiCo London, click here.
UFCW Canada Locals 175 & 633 represent more than 70,000 hard-working Ontarians in almost every sector of the economy. To learn more about the outstanding work of UFCW 175 & 633, visit the Local Unions’ website.
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