Cannabis workers at Canna Cabana join the union – UFCW 175
Hamilton, Ont. – April 25, 2020 – Cannabis workers at the Canna Cabana cannabis dispensary in Hamilton, Ontario are the newest members of UFCW Local 175 after recently voting to join the union.
The Canna Cabana employees, who work as budtenders at the popular dispensary, are the first retail cannabis workers ever to unionize in Ontario.
“We are proud to represent the first retail cannabis workers to join a union in Ontario,” says UFCW 175 President Shawn Haggerty. “I would like to welcome the Canna Cabana workers to the membership of UFCW Local 175. I know that you are looking forward to achieving improvements to your working conditions, and we look forward to helping make sure that your voices are heard.”
The 22 employees at the Hamilton dispensary wanted to have a say over their work life and brought up several concerns that led them to seek representation with UFCW Local 175. Through bargaining, the Canna Cabana workers hope to achieve:
Improved wages and benefits;
Better scheduling;
Seniority provisions; and,
Job security.
“Congratulations to the new members at Canna Cabana, and welcome to your union,” Haggerty adds.
To read more about the union victory at Canna Cabana, click here.
UFCW Canada Locals 175 & 633 represent more than 70,000 hard-working Ontarians in almost every sector of the economy. To learn more about the outstanding work of UFCW 175 & 633, visit the Local Union's website.
As the union for cannabis workers, UFCW represents thousands of members in the cannabis sector in British Columbia, Ontario, and the United States, and is actively organizing in the cannabis industry across Canada. To read more about this important work, and to learn how you can join the cannabis workers’ union, visit UFCW Canada’s Conscious Cannabis website.