Improve your health and safety knowledge, skills with webCampus
Toronto – April 17, 2020 – Front-line workers are getting a lot of well-deserved praise and attention as they help keep us fed and safe throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. And the law is very clear about employers’ responsibilities to keep all workers safe from hazards and harm on the job.
UFCW Canada’s ground-breaking online education program, webCampus, makes being aware of your workplace health and safety rights simple, with courses such as:
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): PPE is any clothing or item that protects workers against hazards. It is the most common form of protection, but not always the most effective, especially since it puts the sole responsibility of control on the worker. This course reviews the different types of PPE and informs workers of their capacity and limitations.
Critical Incident & Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: Accidents and stress may cause people to react in ways that aren’t always healthy. This course will reveal techniques on how to better understand stressful situations, figure out appropriate reactions, and put strategies in place during very challenging situations.
Mental Health Matters – Three Part Series: According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 350 million people globally live with a mental illness. In light of this, it is highly possible that we will all interact with someone experiencing mental illness. This course will explore the meaning of mental health, workplace approaches to mental illness, and ways to ensure that those living with a mental illness get the support that they need.
Office Biohazards – Viruses, Moulds & Bacteria: Did you know you can get sick from using your keyboard or telephone at work? Microorganisms live on many work surfaces that can make people ill. Throughout this course, we examine how microorganisms spread, the routes of entry to our bodies, how quickly they invade the body, and the factors that make some people sicker than others.
Stress in the Workplace: Job stress can present itself as physically or emotionally harmful situations when the requirements of the job do not match the capabilities, resources, or needs of the worker. This course builds on stress awareness programs by reviewing how a unionized workplace can support workers through health and safety committees, collective bargaining, grievances, counselors, employee assistance programs, activism, and self-help.
Infectious Diseases: Infectious diseases are caused by microorganisms that are invisible to the eye and can exist in the soil, atmosphere, or water, as well as on or inside animals, plants, or foodstuffs. This course examines the different types of harmful organisms, how they enter our bodies, the effect that they have on us, and how we can stop them.
Enrolment for the webCampus health and safety courses is now open. Courses are available to all UFCW Canada members, family members, and community partners completely free of charge. To enrol in courses, or to learn more about the program, visit the webCampus website.