Directions Newsletter
2012 BDM Scholarship Winner: Jevidaa Annamalai, Local 175
Mississauga, Ont. – February 9, 2013 – Jevidaa Annamalai is one of the 18 BDM Scholarships recipients for 2012. Jevidaa is the daughter of UFCW Canada Local 175 Member Annamalai Sundhara Rajan, who works at Rexall Pharmacy in Mississauga, Ont.
“As I grew up, I saw more and more animals being treated and many lives being saved by my grandpa being a veterinarian. This was one of the motivational forces behind my dream of becoming a doctor since my childhood,” says Jevidaa who is pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree in Life Sciences at the University of Toronto. “Being immigrants, it is extremely hard for me, as well as my parents, to support the huge expense of paying my tuition at university as well as my other expenditures such as books, transportation and living costs.”
“The Beggs-Dowling-Mathieu Scholarship is extremely useful to me, and it is definitely a good amount of money to help me pay my tuition fees,” adds Jevidaa. “I consider this as a great opportunity to achieve my educational goals. I am thankful to UFCW Canada for granting me this scholarship and supporting my educational expenses.”
Every year UFCW Canada offers a total of 18 annual BDM scholarships of $1,000 each to members, their spouses, and dependants for post secondary study.
Applications for the 2013 BDM Scholarship are NOW OPEN! Apply online for the union scholarship.