UFCW Uber campaign stands in solidarity with Foodora workers
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Toronto – November 8, 2019 – UFCW activists and members of Uber Drivers United recently rallied with allies to show their support for other gig workers applying for union certification.
The rally took place outside the offices of the Ontario Labour Relations Board (OLRB), just before a second round of hearings on an application by Toronto Foodora workers. The “Foodsters” recently voted to join the Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW). Foodora is a courier food delivery company, and like Uber, has claimed that its delivery staff are not employees but independent contractors without the right to unionize.
Some UFCW activists at the boisterous November 6 rally included Uber drivers who service the Toronto airport and are members of UFCW Canada. While the Toronto rally was going on, UFCW was also presenting at the Supreme Court of Canada in Ottawa, in support of Ontario Uber drivers who want to bring a class action suit against the company. Under the banner of Uber Drivers United, hundreds of Uber drivers in the Toronto area have joined UFCW Canada as the campaign to bring justice to Uber drivers builds momentum.
“Labour rights are human rights and that includes workers in the gig economy,” says Paul Meinema, the national president of UFCW Canada. “We stand with all gig workers and will not relent until those rights are respected – including the right to unionize,” the UFCW leader adds.
You can find out more about Uber Drivers United and the campaign to bring justice to Uber drivers here.