Directions Newsletter
Juan Ariza, Hampstead Survivor, should have the Right to Stay in Canada
Toronto – January 31, 2013 – On February 6, 2012, a horrific collision near Hampstead, Ontario killed eleven men, and left three others critically injured. Juan Ariza, 35, was one of those survivors. The Peruvian native had only been in Canada three days when the Hampstead tragedy changed his life forever. He had been recruited to Canada as a migrant agriculture worker. Ever since the tragic collision, Juan has been recuperating in a nursing home in London, Ontario.
With the help of the Right to Stay Steering Committee, Juan would like to build a productive life in Canada. That is why he came here to begin with. He has applied for permanent residency in Canada based on humanitarian and compassionate grounds. To grant him permanent residency would be in the best interest of his children. To return him to Lima would result in inhumane hardship for Juan and his family, particularly given his medical condition and the lack of supports available to them in Peru.
The supports Juan needs are in Canada and with these supports he would clearly be able to lead a productive life here. But Juan's request to stay in Canada has so far gone unanswered.
Please take action to show your support for Juan's Right to Stay in Canada.
The Right to Stay (R2S) campaign raises some critical questions. With almost 300,000 temporary foreign or migrant workers in Canada each and every year, working under often inhumane conditions, what happens when workers like Juan are injured? What is Canada's responsibility? Who is accountable?
Is it fair to deport Juan — who was disabled in Canada — to an environment that might not have the appropriate medical facilities to take care of him?
No. It is unfair, inhumane and not in keeping with Canadian values.
Please provide your support for Juan's Right to Stay in Canada by signing the petition at, and tell Jason Kenney, the federal Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism, that he should do what is right and fair and allow Juan's application for permanent residency.
With your support there is hope for Juan and his family.