Directions Newsletter
BDM Scholarship gives financial boost to son of UFCW 864 member
Halifax – April 16, 2019 – Justin Cuison is one of eighteen winners of the UFCW Canada – BDM Scholarship. Currently completing an Honours Bachelor of Science degree at the University of Toronto Scarborough campus, Justin is the son of Catalino Cuison, a proud UFCW Canada Local 864 member who works at Hotel Halifax in downtown Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Brother Cuison had the following to say about winning a UFCW Canada – BDM Scholarship:
“I am very grateful for the financial assistance that this scholarship has provided me with, and the peace of mind that it gives me. The UFCW Canada – BDM Scholarship will allow me to focus on my studies instead of worrying about how I will cover my next semester, or whether I need to pay down student loans to finish school. Thank you so much, UFCW!”
The UFCW Canada – BDM Scholarship offers a total of $18,000 in scholarships to UFCW Canada members and their families and is one of more than 25 union scholarships available to members and their families every year, totaling more than $300,000.
The deadline to apply for the BDM Scholarship for 2019 is September 30.
To see a full list of scholarships offered by UFCW Canada, or to learn how UFCW members and family members can earn university and college credits completely free of charge, click here.