Directions Newsletter
Members at IGA Famille Paquette achieve first contract – UFCW Local 500
Trois-Rivières, Que. — October 11, 2018 – UFCW Canada Local 500 members working at the IGA Famille Paquette in Trois-Rivières have ratified their first collective agreement. The bargaining unit was certified in April 2018. The first contract was unanimously supported by the membership. This is the second Famille Paquette’s IGA store to join Local 500.
The contract gains include pay rates that increase every 725 working hours or every six months, whichever comes first. Further gains include:
The option to be registered with the Trusteed Dental Plan for Quebec Members of the UFCW, entirely paid for by the employer;
The addition of seven regular employee positions with a schedule of 40 hours a week;
The addition of sick days; and
The addition of a Christmas bonus.
‘‘We are very happy to have achieved the terms of this first collective agreement made with IGA Famille Paquette. We are proud and grateful to represent these new members, and we congratulate the bargaining team on its excellent work’’, says UFCW Local 500 President Antonio Filato.