UFCW activists Light the Night in Edmonton, Regina and Winnipeg
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TORONTO – October 3, 2018 – UFCW activists in Edmonton, Regina and Winnipeg joined thousands of their neighbours for Light the Night walks on September 29, to support and fundraise for the life changing and life saving work of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society of Canada (LLSC).
In Edmonton, despite the cold weather, a hardy band of UFCW Canada Local 401 activists gave a warm welcome and assisted other participants in their preparations for the walk at William Hawrelak Park. A good time was had by all, as members from Safeway, Superstore, McKesson and the Casinos collectively contributed their efforts and commitment to this very worthy cause.
In Regina, on the same night, UFCW Canada Local 1400 activists and their families joined hundreds of community members at the Wascana Legislative Grounds for the Regina Community Light the Night Walk.
In Winnipeg, UFCW Canada Local 832 activists and family members gathered at The Forks to help make a difference in the lives of more than 140,000 Canadians affected by leukemia, lymphoma, myeloma, myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS), and other blood cancers.
At all three walks, participants carried illuminated lanterns – with red lanterns for supporters, white lanterns to symbolize patients and survivors, and gold lanterns to remember loved ones lost. Together, the three fundraising efforts contributed thousands of dollars to the LLSC’s patient support services, advocacy work, and life-saving research.
Since 1985, UFCW Canada members and Local Unions have fundraised over $41.4 million in support of the vital research, outreach and education work of the LLSC – making the UFCW Canada family of members, activists and Local Unions the largest annual donor to the LLSC. Each year, the LLSC presents the UFCW Canada Award for Leukemia Research to its top-scoring operating research grant applicant. This vital partnership has contributed to many advancements in the treatment and outcomes of blood cancer.
Find out more about the tremendous fundraising efforts of the UFCW Canada family of activists and Local Unions. Here’s a schedule on other upcoming Light the Night Walks across Canada.