Directions Newsletter
UFCW Canada – BDM Scholarship winner: Steven Johnson, UFCW 12R24
Windsor, Ont. – December 11, 2017 – Steven Johnson is one of eighteen UFCW Canada - BDM Scholarship winners for 2017.
Currently completing the fourth year of his Honours Bachelor degree in Business Administration at the University of Windsor, Steven is a proud UFCW Canada Local 12R24 member who works at The Beer Store.
Brother Johnson had the following to say about winning a UFCW Canada - BDM Scholarship:
"This scholarship is important to me because it will give me the freedom to focus on my studies and excel towards my future career goals. Being the recipient of a UFCW Canada – BDM Scholarship has given me a huge morale boost, while alleviating the stressful money woes that so many students have. I am grateful to be a recipient of this bursary. Thank you, UFCW!”
Every year UFCW Canada offers a total of 18 union scholarships worth $1,000 each to members, their spouses, and dependents for post-secondary education. The BDM Scholarship was created to honour past UFCW leaders William Beggs, Fred Dowling, and Romeo Mathieu.
The deadline to apply for the 2018 UFCW Canada - BDM Scholarship is September 30, 2018. To find out more about this renowned union scholarship, or to apply online, click here.