Members at Family Services of Peel ratify new contract – UFCW 1006A
Mississauga, Ont. – September 27, 2016 – UFCW Canada Local 1006A members working at Family Services of Peel have recently ratified a new collective agreement with wage increases, paid professional days and much more.
Family Services of Peel is a non-profit organization which provides family and community support services in Ontario's Peel region. UFCW Canada Local 1006A members work as social workers and counsellors as well as help with outreach for LGBTQ community members, abuse prevention, employment support services, immigration services, legal services and much more.
The new three-year agreement covers over a dozen Local 1006A members and features a number of improvements including 5% wage increases over the term of the agreement as well as the removal of a two-tier wage grid that will now see approximately 25% of the membership jump to the top yearly rate and accumulate sick days faster. Members will also now receive four paid professional development days.
"We are proud to advance the rights and livelihoods of workers at Family Services of Peel through a fair and strong union contract," says UFCW Canada Local 1006A President Wayne Hanley. "Our union negotiating committee did an exceptional job in securing gains for everyone, including wage increases, paid professional days and more. We are proud of their hard worker and we are thankful to the membership for their support and participation throughout the process."