Members at L.B. Maple Treat achieve new contract – UFCW 1991P
Granby, Que. – August 29, 2016 – UFCW Canada Local 1991P members working at the L.B. Maple Treat plant in Granby, Quebec have ratified a new collective agreement. The new contract provides members with a salary increase of 18.25 percent over the term of the agreement, as well as an improved vacation scale, double the number of bankable hours, and a one-year recall period for casual workers.
“We are very pleased with the respect and good will that both the union and the employer brought to the table in these negotiations,” says Mario Maisonneuve, the President of UFCW Canada Local 1991P. “The members are delighted with the new contract, and I am happy to report that their objectives have been met,” he adds.