By the Numbers: Canada’s snack food industry
Toronto – July 12, 2016 – A snack is defined as a small portion of food or drink that is eaten between regular meals. However, a recently published study shows that – in today’s fast-paced society – four out of ten Canadians use snacks as a meal replacement. People are increasingly relying on snacks for energy and nutrition because they offer a quicker alternative to traditional meals. As a result, Canada’s snack food industry is growing. Here is a look at the numbers:
$4.9 billion
The amount of revenue generated from snack food sales in 2014 to 2015 – about 5 percent of all food sales in Canada.
$1.8 billion
The amount of revenue generated from potato chip and corn snack sales in 2014 to 2015.
4 out of 10
The ratio of Canadians who regularly use snacks as traditional meal replacements.
The percentage of Canadians who eat three traditional meals a day and rarely snack.
The percentage of Canadians who have five to six smaller meals throughout the day.
The percentage of daily energy intake that snacking provides to children.
The top five traditional snack foods are fresh fruit, chocolate, cheese, potato chips, and yogurt.
The percentage of Canadians who buy their snacks from grocery stores.
Sources: Alberta Agriculture and Forestry: Consumer Corner, Marketwired, Canadian Grocer