Members at Retail Accounting achieve new agreement – UFCW 1518
Burnaby, B.C. – June 29, 2016 – UFCW Canada Local 1518 members working at Retail Accounting in Burnaby, British Columbia have unanimously ratified a new collective agreement.
The 3-year agreement includes significant gains for the members, including a 30 cent wage increase to the highest rate category in each year of the contract. Additionally, there will be a pension contribution increase from $1.23 per hour to $1.35 per hour.
Retail Accounting is a Burnaby-based accounting firm that specializes with clients primarily in the retail sector. The members at Retail Accounting have long years of service and have been a part of the UFCW Local 1518 family since 1975.
Christine Buchanan served on the Negotiating Committee, along with Kim Balmer and Fred Scott for the Union.