Directions Newsletter
No Frills members achieve new contract – UFCW 1006A
Vaughan, Ont. – June 6, 2016 – UFCW Canada Local 1006A members working at No Frills stores across Ontario have voted 80 per cent in favour of a new collective agreement.
“Our union is proud to be at the forefront of helping grocery workers achieve fairness in their workplace,” says UFCW Canada Local 1006A President Wayne Hanley. “As the union that represents over 10,000 No Frills workers in Ontario, we are pleased to have achieved a fair and equitable contract that advances the rights and livelihoods of our members,” he adds.
The new contract provides several important gains for members, including wage increases for full-time and part-time workers, improvements to the Part-Time Benefit Trust Fund, and more accessibility to hours for part-time employees.
The six-year deal also contains full-time benefit enhancements, industry-leading domestic violence language, and mobile scheduling, which will enable members to check their schedule online and on their mobile phones.
In addition to these gains, the new No Frills contract protects members from abusive customer behaviour and discrimination based on gender identity or expression.
“I want to thank the membership for their support and participation during these negotiations, and congratulate our bargaining committee for their hard work and dedication in achieving this excellent deal,” says Hanley.