Directions Newsletter
UFCW Canada endorses FedForward team for OFL executive
Toronto – November 5, 2015 –UFCW Canada is proud to endorse the FedForward team to lead a new era at the Ontario Federation of Labour. The election of new OFL officers will take place in Toronto at the 13th Biennial Convention OFL, November 23 - 27.
The FedForward team includes Chris Buckley running for President, Patti Coates for Secretary-Treasurer, and Ahmad Gaied, a UFCW Canada activist and Local 1000A brother, running for Executive Vice-President.
“It is time to move the OFL forward with proven leadership, fresh ideas, and an inclusive commitment to unite, strengthen and revitalize the OFL from the grassroots up,” says UFCW Canada National President Paul Meinema. “UFCW Canada is proud and confident to endorse the FedForward leadership team of Chris Buckley, Patti Coates and Ahmad Gaied to help build strength, unity, equity and opportunity for all Ontario workers and unions through the OFL.”
Find out more about the FedForward team at