Directions Newsletter
Migrant agriculture workers celebrate at Virgil AWA gathering
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Virgil, Ont. – September 22, 2015 – Migrant agriculture workers from across Ontario's Niagara region recently gathered at the Agriculture Workers Alliance (AWA) centre in Virgil, Ontario to celebrate Mexico's Independence Day and for the AWA's annual community barbeque.
Despite the steady rain, over 100 hearty souls attended the annual festival and enjoyed an abundance of music, along with food provided by UFCW Canada Local 175 & 633.
At the gathering, workers also had the opportunity to participate in workshops on a variety of topics, including WSIB and parental benefits, as well as receive information regarding health and safety issues from the Occupational Health Clinic for Ontario Workers (OHCOW).
The workers were also joined by Father Hernan of Beamsville, Ontario, who held a Mass in Spanish for those who attended. Community partners from Students Against Migrant Exploitation (S.A.M.E.), Brock University, and the legal community also attended and volunteered at the gathering.
"As the harvest season comes to a close, we continue to advocate for improved working and living conditions for the men and women who harvest our food," says Stan Raper, national co-ordinator of the AWA. "Events like this renew our commitment towards the fight for justice for agricultural workers across Canada."