Directions Newsletter
Members at Cancoil ratify new contract – UFCW 175
Kingston, Ont. – September 4, 2015 – UFCW Canada Local 175 members working at Cancoil Thermal Corporation in Kingston, Ontario recently ratified a new four-year collective agreement.
Under the new contract, wages will increase by 1.7 percent retroactive for hours worked since the expiry of the previous agreement. Subsequent wage increases are 1.7 percent in year two, the greater of 1.7 percent or the provincial Consumer Price Index (CPI) increase in year three, and the greater of 1.8 percent or the CPI increase in year four. In addition, the shift premium will increase to 60 cents per hour.
New coverage for prescription safety glasses provides members with 50 percent reimbursement up to $100 every 24 months. Workers will also benefit from improved vision care coverage of $160 per 24-month period as of ratification, and $170 as of April 3, 2018. Contributions to the dental plan will increase by 14 cents per hour over the term of the contract.
Language improvements address sunset language and the process of scheduling vacation, and workers with 25 years of service will receive a $500 bonus.
Furthermore, new contract language establishes overtime pay after 32 hours worked in a statutory holiday week. Banked overtime can be used for sick days, and the Cancoil members will receive increased boot and clothing allowances.
The Union Negotiating Committee was comprised of UFCW Canada Local 175 members Gary Garrison and Steve Vallier, and UFCW Canada Local 175 Union Representative Paul Hardwick.