Directions Newsletter
Time for Change
Vote for a better, brighter future on October 19
This October 19, say “Goodbye” to a federal government that doesn’t care about everyday working people and their families. It is time for a change. We can do better by electing a new government that cares about the things that matter most to people — like good jobs, quality healthcare, affordable day care, and retirement security for all Canadians.
We Can Do Better Together
Together, you and your family members can make a huge impact on the upcoming election by talking about the important issues, campaigning to elect a government that defends your interests — and most importantly, by making sure you vote! The votes of more than 250,000 UFCW Canada members and family members could make the difference in replacing a Harper government that only cares about the rich.
Vote for Good Jobs
We need a government with a real plan to create good jobs across Canada because after ten years of the Harper government, almost 3 million Canadians are now unemployed or underemployed. While the Harper government’s big tax cuts for business were supposedly meant to stimulate job creation, all that happened was wealth creation for big corporations who are now sitting on $630 billion dollars from the tax breaks.
Meanwhile, after months of denial, Stephen Harper has finally admitted that Canada’s economy is in a recession – for workers and families– but not for Canadian corporations and the wealthy.
It is a time for a change: time to elect a government that with a sound economic plan to stimulate job creation, manufacturing, small business, and is ready to work cooperatively with the provinces and cities on job training programs, community building, and infrastructure investment.
Vote for High Quality Affordable Childcare
It is time to stand together to make access to high quality, affordable child care a reality for families and children across Canada.
In 2007, Stephen Harper abandoned Canadian families when his government tore up agreements with provincial governments to make a quality, national, child care system happen. So now, there is only one space of quality child care available for every five children in Canada who need one. It is time for change.
We can do better by electing a new government with a real plan to create hundreds of thousands of quality childcare spaces across Canada, with fees that working families can afford. Studies show that such an investment in a National Childcare System pays for itself through job creation, and better health and education for our children.
Vote for Retirement Security
Instead of working to improve retirement security, the Harper government raised the eligibility for Old Age Security (OAS) from 65 to 67. Stephen Harper also continues to reject calls from provincial leaders and seniors to improve the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and other public pension plans.
No Canadian should have to retire in poverty. We need a government that will return the OAS retirement age back to 65, and is committed to improving the CPP and working with the provinces on other initiatives to provide retirement security for all seniors.
It is time for change, and time to vote for a new government committed to retirement security for all seniors.
Vote to Improve Public Health Care
Canada’s public healthcare system is already facing a crisis of long wait times for emergency care, surgery, and even finding a family doctor. And with baby boomers getting older, the demand for health care is growing even bigger.
But instead of expanding services to meet the demand, the Harper government decided to cutback healthcare funding to the provinces by about $36 billion over the next ten years.
It is time for change. We need a government that is ready to invest and work with the provinces to make sure all Canadians have timely access to quality healthcare. Together, we can do better by electing a new government that strengthens – not weakens – our medicare system.