Directions Newsletter
Vote Child Care 2015
Toronto – May 7, 2015 – UFCW Canada is calling on activists to add their support to a new campaign – Vote Child Care 2015 – to make affordable and quality child care a reality for all families. The campaign, in alliance with The Child Care Advocacy Association of Canada, is intended to build support for affordable and quality child care across Canada as a fundamental voting issue in advance of the October 2015 federal election.
Why should working families care about making child care an election issue? Because affordable, high quality child care would:
Give every parent the opportunity to contribute to the workforce, and strengthen our economy;
Ensure that all children have access to safe and healthy care;
Make child care affordable for all – right now child care is the second-highest household expense for Canadian families.
The Vote Child Care 2015 campaign starts with an exciting Canada-wide week of action for child care, from May 10 to 17. Here are just some of the ways you, your co-workers and neighbours can get involved:
SEND A MESSAGE – Join the UFCW Canada e-letter campaign calling on the Harper government to provide affordable childcare.
THE POWER OF ONE – A simple but powerful action is having one-on-one conversations with family members, co-workers, friends and neighbours about child care and the upcoming federal election. Click here for a “kitchen table tool-kit” to help you get the conversation going.
MAY 14 - CHALK IT UP FOR CHILD CARE: Take to the sidewalks and outdoor play spaces with chalk (or banners and signs) to let your community know that you support the Vote Child Care 2015 campaign. Make sure to take photographs and send them to [email protected].
MAY 14 2015 - NOON - TWITTERSTORM: Print the “#VoteChildCare2015 because” sign and share your message and photo on Twitter as part of the May 14th Twitter Storm.
You can follow the campaign on Twitter (@votechildcare, #VoteChildCare2015) and Facebook (VoteChildCare2015). For more information on events and other ways to get involved, go to
Join us in calling on the next federal government to provide funding and leadership, and to work with the provinces, territories and Indigenous communities to make affordable quality child care a reality for all families.