Members at Sélection du Pâtissier in Portneuf achieve first contract – UFCW 509
Montreal – February 12, 2015 – UFCW Canada Local 509 members at Sélection du Pâtissier, in Portneuf, have achieved their first union contract. The company, which has been operating for over 20 years, is renowned across Quebec and beyond for its gourmet cakes and pastries.
The new contract runs until 2018, and includes many improvements and benefits for the members including:
Employer’s participation in the Fonds de solidarité FTQ (‘‘Quebec labour federation’s solidarity fund’’) where $5.00 per employee a week is contributed to the fund;
A $200.00-$400.00 premium upon the contract’s being signed, based on seniority;
Between one and four floating holidays, based on seniority;
Cost sharing for the group insurance plan in equal parts between union members and the employer;
Wage increases ranging from 2% to 10% in the first year, based on one’s status in the pay scale.
‘‘I sincerely wish to congratulate the members at Sélection du Pâtissier’s on their first collective agreement. We will proudly stand with you during the term of your first union contract as UFCW Local 509 members as well as for years to come afterwards,” says UFCW Canada Local 509 President Daniel Nadeau.
”I know this new agreement will be beneficial for all involved, and I would like to particularly commend the bargaining committee for its work and tenacity in securing this first collective agreement.’’