By the Numbers – Violence against women is #NOTokay
Toronto – November 26, 2014 – In a 2009 Canadian national survey, women reported 460,000 incidents of sexual assault in just one year. It is estimated that only about 10% of all sexual assaults are reported to police.
On an average night, more than 3,000 women stay in emergency shelters to escape abuse.
On average, every six days a woman in Canada is killed by her intimate partner.
The percentage of women who experienced insults and name-calling from partners, that were also physically or sexually assaulted by them.
The percentage of people in Canada who know a woman who has been a victim of violence.
Teenage girls are 200% more likely to be targets of family violence than teenage boys.
Of all reports by 12 to 14-year-olds to the police of a violent dating experience, 92% of those contacting the police were girls.
The percentage of women respondents to an Ottawa survey who reported experiencing street harassment in the past year.
The percentage of women in the Ottawa survey who received sexist comments.
The percentage women in the Ottawa survey who were stalked or followed.
The percentage of women in the Ottawa survey who were grabbed or touched.
Out of every 1000 sexual assaults in Canada, only 3 lead to a conviction.
SOURCES: Hollaback! Ottawa, 2013. “Our City, Our Space, Our Voice: A report on street harassment in Ottawa.” Mahony, Police-Reported Dating Violence in Canada, 2008. Statistics Canada, 2010. 2009 General Social Survey: Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics, Family Violence in Canada: A Statistical Profile, 2011 and 2009. General Social Survey: Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics, Measuring Violence Against Women: Statistical Trends, 2013