It’s #NOTokay — Take action to end violence against women
Click on the image above to see the photo gallery. |
![]() Download a #NOTokay sign here. |
Toronto – November 25, 2014 – November 25 is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. It marks the first day of the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence, and December 10 – International Human Rights Day – is the final day.
UFCW Canada is proud to participate in the YWCA Rose Campaign’s #NOTokay social media initiative. The campaign calls on individuals to take a stand on violence against women by sharing their voices in response to any tweets, posts, videos, images or clips that objectify, belittle or attack women in society. The goal of this campaign is to call this behaviour out with the hashtag #NOTokay on social media sites we use to communicate on an everyday basis. The hope is to use our collective voice to empower women and men to take action, however small, on the issue of violence against women.
Getting involved is simple.
“Like” YWCA Canada and Rose Campaign Facebook pages: The campaign can be supported by liking the YWCA Canada and Rose Campaign Facebook page and following the YWCA Canada and Rose Campaign.
Twitter accounts (Twitter handles are @Rose_Campaign and @YWCA_Canada): By posting with the hashtag #NOTokay, spread a strong message that violence is not okay in any part of our lives. NOTokay postcards are also available from the website, which can be distributed at any event.
Click here for a print of the #NOTokay sign. Take your own picture and post it to facebook and twitter.
UFCW Canada has endorsed this campaign, and many brothers have already taken a stand. See gallery for images.
Starting this November 25th, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, please take a moment to participate in this important social justice campaign.
See it. Share it. Stop it!
For additional information about initiatives to end violence against women, please visit the Violence Against Women section of the UFCW Women's Advisory Committee webpage, or check out