Directions Newsletter
UFCW 500 members achieve new collective agreement at GCR Centre de pneus ("Tire Centre")
Victoriaville, Que. – November 18, 2014 – A new collective agreement was signed on behalf of UFCW Local 500 (TUAC 500) members working at GCR Centre de pneus ("Tire Centre") in Victoriaville, Quebec. The new two year contract was recently unanimously agreed on by members.
The new collective agreement offers new protection pertaining to injury benefits for all five vacation weeks. A new provision now allows members to gain a floating holiday or sick day once every two working months, starting after their first year of employment. In addition, workers are allowed to take unpaid holidays while keeping their seniority and a 1.8% annual wage increase. The deal is retroactive to September 1, 2014, and shall also apply on the first day of September of every year while the collective agreement is in effect.
"These UFCW Local 500 members working in Victoriaville have shown solidarity by unanimously ratifying their new collective agreement. That is the essence of a labour movement that possesses strength and the capability to advance working conditions in its members' interest," says UFCW Local 500 President Antonio Filato.