Local 1000A named “Local of the Year” by UFCW Minority Coalition
UFCW Canada Local 1000A has been named “Local of the Year” by the UFCW International Minority Coalition.
Every year, the Minority Coalition recognizes the UFCW Local Union that best exemplifies the union’s guiding principles of developing a unified voice, promoting diversity and furthering inclusion within the labour movement.
“With more than 1,000 Locals in the UFCW International Union, our Sisters and Brothers at Local 1000A should be very proud of their efforts for receiving this very special acknowledgement,” says UFCW Canada National President Wayne Hanley. “This recognition says a great deal about Local 1000A’s outstanding leadership and activism, and their high level of commitment to creating the most dynamic, innovative and inclusive Local Union possible.”
Local 1000A is widely seen as a leading force within the Canadian labour movement for their high level of engagement in various community action efforts and social justice campaigns, including their trailblazing work with LBGTQ members and yet-to-be organized workers.
“On behalf of a quarter of a million UFCW Canada members across the country, we congratulate President Pearl Sawyer and the entire Local 1000A family for this outstanding achievement,” adds Brother Hanley.
To find out more about Local 1000A, visit www.ufcw1000a.ca.