UI Contact training instructors join the union – UFCW 501
Montreal – August 14, 2014 – UFCW Local 501 (TUAC 501) proudly announces that a new group of workers from UI Contact in Laval – formerly Utopia Image Inc. – has joined the union. Training instructors who work at this call centre – a subcontractor for various companies, such as Videotron – were recently certified as a bargaining unit by the Commission des relations du travail (‘‘Quebec’s labour relations board’’). Recognition of seniority rights was one of the reasons workers came together in the successful organizing drive.
Employees from the Technical Support departmentat UI Contact have been UFCW Canada Local 501 members since November 2011. Customer Service employees also joined Local 501 in January 2014. UI Contact training instructors thus add their voice to that of over 200 co-workers, and to the more than 11,000 UFCW Canada Local 501 members in Quebec.
‘‘I would like to welcome our new UFCW Canada Local 501 members from UI Contact in Laval personally," says UFCW Canada Local 501 President Alain Lachaîne. "Welcome to YOUR union! As you will find, UFCW Canada Local 501 is fully with you to proactively support your demands and advocate for your labour rights."