Supporting LGBTQI2S Rights
UFCW Canada has worked diligently to support 2SLGBTQI+ inclusion in our union. Working closely with our partner organization, Egale Human Rights Trust and our international affiliate UFCW OUTreach we champion the rights of 2SLGBTQI+ members across all bargaining units.
With nearly 60% of Canadian workers not feeling safe to disclose their sexual orientation or gender identity at work, we stand strongly with 2SLGBTQI+ members in eliminating workplace discrimination. UFCW Canada has developed important tools including workplace resources that promote inclusion and fight discrimination. Our Tips for Negotiating Gender Inclusive Language resource promotes gender neutral contract language in addition to ensuring sexual diversity in benefits and entitlement coverage.
Partner Organizations
Since signing its historic agreement in March of 2012, UFCW Canada and Egale Human Rights Trust have made significant strides in promoting 2SLGBTQI+ inclusion. Much of this work has culminated in 2018 with the first ever Identity Conference hosted by Egale Canada with the unwavering support of UFCW Canada. Supporting these initiatives ensure UFCW Canada’s advocacy efforts are relevant to our 2SLGBTQI+ members while upholding a high standard for inclusivity where every member is encouraged to bring their full self to work.
UFCW Canada works diligently to strengthen the profile and increase visibility of 2SLGBTQI+ issues at various conferences throughout the year including our work with Fierte Canada Pride and the Canadian Professional Association for Transgender Health. Through this partnership we work to advance gender affirming care for transgender persons and our research has been used to inform both federal government and NGO policy development.
As an international union, UFCW ensures its 2SLGBTQI+ awareness strategy is aligned across jurisdictions through its UFCW OUTreach constituency group. With UFCW Canada members and staff participating on the UFCW OUTreach Executive Board, we ensure 2SLGBTQI+ best practices are shared across the UFCW family. The UFCW OUTreach constituency group is instrumental in producing queer-friendly resources which are used to promote sexual diversity in the workplace.
UFCW Canada Pride
Annual Pride festivities held across the country provide an opportunity for UFCW Canada members and staff to celebrate their sexual diversity while raising 2SLGBTQI+ awareness across UFCW Canada local unions. In addition, UFCW Canada links our OUTreach committee efforts with union staff and members in Pride participations across the US and Canada. These events have become the staple of our summer outreach activities across the country. Celebrating the diversity of our membership means standing side-by-side with our members and actively working towards an inclusive society that is free from heterosexism, homophobia, biphobia and transphobia.