Directions Newsletter
UFCW Canada Local 1518 continues strong support for diverse workplaces
As a pioneer in work related to diversity and inclusion in the union movement, UFCW Canada Local 1518 demonstrated its support at the 17th Annual DIVERSEcity awards in Surrey, British Columbia. A number of staff and members, including Local 1518 President Ivan Limpright and UFCW Canada National Office General Counsel Naveen Mehta, attended the popular event in an effort to support those who support diverse communities.
Cultural DIVERSEcity Awards is an annual event organized and presented by DIVERSEcity Community Resources Society. Each year, the Society selects deserving local organizations and individuals as award recipients in a variety of categories. The winners are recognized for playing a pivotal role in promoting cultural awareness in the workplace, actively recruiting and then retaining a dynamic diverse workforce. The award also acknowledges those who have incorporated and celebrated diversity in their day-to-day operations.
“I am always delighted to see our local unions actively supporting inclusivity and diversity,” says Wayne Hanley, National President of UFCW Canada. “The demographics of Canada have rapidly shifted and it is incumbent upon those of us who act as representatives of workers to ensure that we reflect all working people on the road forward. This is not just the right thing to do — it is also the smart thing to do.”
Through a variety of union and community outreach and staffing programs, UFCW Canada Local 1518 has been on the cutting edge of efforts to ensure that all working people, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or ability, enjoy equal rights and dignity in the workplace and in the community. For instance, it negotiated the union – employer joint Diversity Trust Fund with Overwaitea Food Group.
Naveen Mehta sits as a board member on the Diversity Trust Fund. He noted that "this ingenious fund paves the way for the union and the employer to work together to ensure that the local union and the workplaces of its members were more inclusive, inviting and representative of the contemporary face of British Columbia. Based on our research, this is the only joint union-employer fund of its kind in the world."
“Every day, our Local strives to work with the diverse communities of our members so we can strategically address discrimination and human rights abuses in the workplace,” says Ivan Limpright, President of Local 1518. "Whether it is as a community partner at the local Gurdwara, establishing the Diversity Trust Fund, or working on a campaign in support of our sisters and brothers from the aboriginal community, UFCW Canada Local 1518 is committed not just being in the community, but being a part of it and reflecting it."