Directions Newsletter
UFCW Canada calls on activists to stand in solidarity with thousands of Dutch cleaners
UFCW Canada is calling on all activists, friends and supporters to stand in solidarity with our Sisters and Brothers in Holland who work for FNV Bondgenoten as cleaners and have been striking for fairness for over a month.
UNI Global Union is calling on workers and activists around the world to send a very strong message to the Dutch government, FNV Bondgenoten, and other Dutch multinationals by sending an electronic letter through LabourStart.
Fundamentally, the Dutch cleaners are fighting for a better future and to be afforded respect and dignity on the job. Their central bargaining issues are reasonable workloads and fair pay.
Sending a message only takes a few seconds and it makes a big difference for these workers –who are only asking for what is fair and reasonable.
As the cleaners say, 'Schoongenoeg!' – enough is enough!