Directions Newsletter
UFCW Canada addresses migrants' rights at Mexico workshop
Recently, in the Mexico municipality of Tulcingo de Valle, in the State of Puebla, UFCW Canada shared its advocacy experience of working with migrants in Canada at a "Workshop on Basic Knowledge and Tools on Migration". It was one of series of workshops organized by the Citizens' Observatory on Public Policies Migrant - Puebla.
The workshop focused on Labor Rights and was attended by representatives of migrants’ associations and migrants from the Mixteca region of Puebla. American organizations including the Global Workers Justice Alliance also shared their experience advocating on the behalf of migrant workers in the USA.
UFCW Canada representative Andrea Galvez presented a critical analysis of the Canadian Seasonal Agricultural Workers Program (CSAWP), underscoring CSAWP's deficiencies in addressing the human and labour rights of workers in the program including the exclusion of temporary workers from the annual consultations on CSAWP terms and pay rates; restrictions on their labour mobility; and the lack of political representation and the absence of public policies in Mexico and Canada to protect the rights of migrant workers in Canada.
"The exploitation of migrant workers can only be countered by a comprehensive cross-border strategy," says Sister Galvez. "That strategy includes developing networks of solidarity, continued advocacy, and an unrelenting campaign to lobby and pressure governments to provide legislation to protect and respect the rights of migrant workers."