By the Numbers: Inequality in Canada
$6.6 million
The average compensation of Canada’s best-paid 100 CEOs in 2009.
The average wage for Canadians working full-time, year-round.
155 times
How much the best-paid 100 CEOs earn more than average wage.
0 (zero)
The number of women among the best-paid 100 CEOs in Canada in 2009.
Canada ranks 20th, behind the U.S., in a global ranking of women’s equality.
Canada’s richest 1%
Doubled their income share between the late-1970s and 2007.
Canada’s richest 0.01%
Quintupled their share of income during that same period.
Shrinking middle
The share of income for the bottom 80% of Canadian families with children is smaller today than it was a generation ago.
6 in 10 live pay to pay
6 out of 10 Canadians could be in trouble if their paycheque gets delayed.
Debt nation
Canadian consumer debt to financial assets ratio worst of 20 OECD nations.
$1.41 trillion
Canadian household debt.
Child inequality
Canada ranks 17 out of 24 OECD nations on children’s material well-being.
1 in 10
Canadian children live in poverty. 1 in 4 Aboriginal children live in poverty.
The 1% solution
Shifting 1% of Canadians’ collective after-tax income to the 1 in 10 Canadians living in low income would eliminate poverty in Canada.
Source: Canadian Council for Policy Alternatives (CCPA)