Directions Newsletter Vol. II No. 1
Winning Rights for Factory Farm Workers - Despite what the sign by the road says, it doesn’t look like a far.
Winning Rights for Factory Farm Workers - Despite what the sign by the road says, it doesn’t look like a far.
Unity Triumphs over Doublethink - George Orwell could not have imagined it better. The “doublethink” he described in the prophetic novel Nineteen Eighty-Four – with government calling its war department the “Ministry of Peace” – is paralleled absolutely by the Ontario Tory government’s new “workplace democracy” rules.
The leadership of any political party can be a pretty thankless job. Particularly in this day and age of turbulent partisan politics, it is an impossible task to keep everyone satisfied all the time, and the leader of the party is an easy target for those in the habit of taking potshots.
Commitment for a Cure - June 21 was the first event of an event-packed weekend for UFCW Canada members involved in the fight for a cure for leukemia.
One of Québec’s most colourful and effective labour leaders, Louis Laberge was a unique friend of workers whose achievements will be long remembered not only in Québec, but across Canada. Nationally respected, Brother Laberge was an ardent and eloquent spokesperson for the Québec labour movement. He died on July 18, aged 78.
As the new year started with the annual meeting of the union’s international executive board and advisory committee, three newly-elected Canadian vice-presidents took their place at the table.
It gives me a great deal of pleasure to announce that, after many months of hard work by UFCW Canada Communications staff and the assistance of Web design experts, UFCW Canada’s Web site has been redeveloped and redesigned in both official languages.
For media inquiries, please email [email protected] with the word ‘Media’ in the subject line.
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United Food and Commercial Workers Union
Canada's private sector union