Artist creates a vision of solidarity
Toronto – January 14, 2013 – There is a long history of mural art and the labour movement, and UFCW Canada is helping that history continue.
Toronto – January 14, 2013 – There is a long history of mural art and the labour movement, and UFCW Canada is helping that history continue.
Toronto – December 21, 2012 – 250 security workers in the Greater Toronto Area are now members of UFCW Canada Local 333 after recently voting to join the union. The new Local 333 members work for ASG Security in Toronto, Hamilton, and Oshawa, Ontario, at several different sites in each city.
Toronto – December 20, 2012 – New webCampus courses for the New Year are now open for registration to all UFCW Canada members, families and community allies.
The two new courses both start on Friday, January 7, 2013 and run until Friday, February 1, 2013.
Toronto – December 20, 2012 – December 24th marks the third anniversary of the Toronto Christmas Eve scaffold tragedy, in which four migrant workers were killed and another seriously injured after the scaffold that was supporting them collapsed. Aleksey Blumberg, Vladimir Korostin, Fayzullo Fazilov, Aleksanders Bondarevs, and Dilshod Marupov were reinforcing and repairing balconies when the platform they were working on snapped in half and plunged them 13 stories to the base of a Toronto apartment building. The accident occurred just as the five men were preparing to go home for the day.
Toronto – December 20, 2012 – UFCW Canada Local 1993 recently celebrated 28years of bringing activists and community members together for an annual dinner and dance that has raised a lifetime total of more than $60,000 for leukemia and sickle cell research.
Toronto – December 19, 2012 – A delegation of former Zellers workers, community leaders, and labour rights advocates called on the Holiday Spirit as they gathered in front of Target Canada headquarters on December 19 to hand deliver more than 1,000 protest letters from Canadians expressing their displeasure with Target’s Walmart-Scrooge-like treatment of retail workers and former Zellers employees in particular.
Milton, Ont. – December 17, 2012 – With two towering red and white candy canes behind them, Local 1000A members, activists and staff spread some holiday cheer at the annual Santa Claus Parade in Milton, Ontario.
Ottawa – December 17, 2012 – Since the proclamation in 2000 by the United Nations initiating December 18 as being International Migrants Day, the international trend has been towards less protections for some of the planet's most vulnerable workers - so called "temporary foreign" or migrant workers.
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United Food and Commercial Workers Union
Canada's private sector union