Directions Newsletter
Workers at Supermarché G.C. join the union, UFCW 503
Baie-Saint-Paul, Que. – July 3, 2014 – Approximately 90 employees working at the Supermarché G.C. grocery store in Baie-Saint-Paul, Quebec are the newest members of UFCW Canada Local 503 after voting to join the union last month. An application for union certification was filed by Local 503 on the workers' behalf and approved by Quebec’s labour relations board several weeks later.
"We are very happy to welcome the new members in the Charlevoix region to Canada's leading union," says UFCW Canada Local 503 President Louise Lefebvre. "By joining UFCW Canada, the Supermarché G.C. workers have voted to achieve the benefits, good jobs, and improved working conditions that thousands of UFCW Canada members enjoy across the country," Sister Lefebvre adds.